I love Danger (Original Single) by littleDNGR

I love Danger (Original Single) by littleDNGR I love Danger (Original Single) by littleDNGR

littleDNGR has released a new banger, their newest single is a bonnie and Clyde inspired love song a cinema grunge pop track that leaves you feeling powerful and in control  “I love Danger” is a diamond shining between love songs.

Joshua Bartholomew and Lisa Harriton, Grammy and Oscar nominated songwriters form littleDNGR. “I love Danger” is one of the first songs the talentad duo has made and it took them 1 hour to complete and bring this track to life, they say that their song “I love Danger” was as if it was  just waiting for them to acknowledge it and bring it to life.

“I love Danger” is a powerful single with strong vocals, relatable lyrics, and a mesmerizing combination of alternative rock and electronic pop that littleDNGR calls cinema grunge pop. You must give this single a listen, “I love Danger” is a truly remarkable single.

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