Vice and Virtue By DIRTY MONEY


Dirty Money is making some serious noise in the rock scene with their intense new four-song EP called "Vice and Virtue". The band packs a punch sonically. In just a short listen you can tell they've got a gritty, high-energy vibe down pat. This EP is sure to get people talking and leave fans craving more.

With "Vice and Virtue", Dirty Money proves they've got what it takes to shake things up in the rock world with their magnetic sound. The EP wastes no time grabbing you with the opening track "Play to Win". From the second those vicious guitars come crashing in, you know Dirty Money means business. The vocals cut straight through with razor-sharp passion, really conveying how much fire and intensity went into crafting each note.

The song tears off at a breakneck pace, punctuated by pounding drums and riffs that really burrow into your mind. It's pure rock n' roll. Up next is "Running from the Night", which provides no rest from the visceral energy. Fast guitars and percussion propel the track to a maddening clip. This song really leaves an impression with its commitment to rocket speed. There's not a moment to catch your breath before being pulled headlong back into the intensity.

Midway through the EP we get "Kilo Tango", easily the standout cut. It kicks off with a spine-tingling guitar line that instantly takes things in a new direction for Dirty Money with its super catchy melodic vibes. Paired with memorable chord progressions and a killer hook, "Kilo Tango" really shows off Dirty Money’s songwriting skills.

Closing out the intense four-song run is "Ego". As the track barrels towards its climactic ending, the guitars trade off on some dazzling solos, proving Dirty Money’s skills are no joke. "Ego" brings the EP to a mesmerizing conclusion, leaving no doubt that these rockers have only just started to unleash their raw talents.

Across just sixteen minutes, Dirty Money nails what many bands fail at on full albums; they perfectly capture lighting in a bottle. "Vice and Virtue" is one high-voltage ride that truly delivers both virtuoso playing and downright primal energy in equal supply. Dirty Money proves they're committed to unleashing a frenzy while also displaying serious songcraft skills. With "Vice and Virtue", this band doesn’t just turn it up to 11 - they hit the detonator. Make sure you crank up the volume and give this EP a listen on whatever streaming service floats your boat.

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