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Pray4Poison (Original Album) by ORPHANBOY

TOP BEST HITS Pray4Poison (Original Album) by ORPHANBOY
Pray4Poison (Original Album) by ORPHANBOY Pray4Poison (Original Album) by ORPHANBOY

Pray4Poison (Original Album) by ORPHANBOY is an emo rap and dark pop album consisting of 10 tracks, a time capsule into Orphans boy rock bottom.

Orphanboy is a rapper, producer, and engineer originally from Washington dc, Pray4Poison is different than Orphanboy's regular work because this album has been written while under the influence. Orphanboy fell victim to addiction the last 2 years and made these songs portraying his feelings of sadness and anger, after a failed suicide attempt and him waking up in the psych ward he decided to turn his life around and has been sober and going to therapy from there.

Although releasing this album wasn't orphanboy's original plan but Im glad he did, because not only is it amazing music that showcases orphanboys talent, but it also gives hope to other suffering addicts that it is possible to overcome and even if hard but it is worth it, making orphanboy an inspiration for me and I'm sure many others.

Orphanboy started making music at a young age and releasing it at 15 years of age an impressive feat to accomplish, Orphanboy is a spectacular artist, who is an inspiration. You should definitely give Pray4Poison a listen.

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