Personal (Original Album) by Faryad is a hip-hop rap 7 track album that will surely give you the rap hit you need today. Faryad wrote the 7 tracks about different experiences he has had from personal relationships to how he has dealt with the music industry, with each of the 7 songs has a different and meaningful meaningful such as "No Love For You" is about friends that had backstabbed Faryad, or "Lie" and "Addicted" are about being in abusive relationships, and "see Me Again" is about how you must be consistent in music industry to make it even if you're struggling at the moment. Faryad accomplished something not all artists can do that is making each song in his album unique, meaningful, and true to himself.
This album is just a myriad of emotions and topics, I am definitely in love with the vibe Faryad is trying to convey, with amazing beats that are enjoyable and catchy. Personal is a truly impeccable album that you must give a listen to.