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Jaya Radhe Shyam (Original Single) by Jake Emlyn and Sam La Vie

Discover POP Jaya Radhe Shyam (Original Single) by Jake Emlyn and Sam La Vie
Jaya Radhe Shyam (Original Single) by Jake Emlyn and Sam La Vie Jaya Radhe Shyam (Original Single) by Jake Emlyn and Sam La Vie

Radhe Shyam (Original Single) by Jake Emlyn and Sam La Vie is an acoustic pop single that gives a spiritual and mindful vibe.

Jaya Radhe Shyam talks about two westerners journey into spirituality and their knowledge, I am personally in love with the laid back relaxing and almostly healing energy coming from this single.

I am in awe with the sound Jake Emlyn and Sam La Vie have been able to make, it is a unique and creative single that you must give a listen to, it is truly spectacular.

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