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I’ve Tried Sleeping (Original Album) By I’ve Tried Sleeping

Discover POP I’ve Tried Sleeping (Original Album) By I’ve Tried Sleeping

To anyone reading this particular review, I can tell you that getting to know this guy has been an experience on its own, let alone with his incredible music. "I’ve Tried Sleeping" is one artist that has been molded out of the sorrowful reality of our world, and through those scratches and tears, he’s written, recorded, and mastered a rock album worthy of all his struggles. This artist is for all of us. For every time you’ve hated your reality, this artist is for you. For every time you get mad at the world for being unfair, this artist is for you. If you’ve ever been beaten up by the struggles and difficulties of life that you have no control over, then THIS ARTIST IS FOR YOU.

He’s been everywhere, always pushing forward to achieve his dreams and always a tad too late. A hardworking titan of talent that’s done everything right to become a successful artist, yet the world is not fair and never is. He’s been part of too many bands to count, crawling his way to the LA scene for his one big shot only to find that the industry imploded. Accepting his fate, he’s scratched and clawed onto the scraps and made a living for himself as your everyday bus driver, computer guy, messenger, and all those existential crisis jobs that drive one nut. From the dust of cocaine to the struggles of homelessness and the peaks of glory, "I’ve Tried Sleeping" ‘ steel was molded by the fires of hell to make the stairways to heaven.

The album features a roller coaster of emotions with "I’ve Tried Sleeping," sarcastically titled "I’ve Tried Sleeping," which is a F**K YOU to everything that’s wrong with this world. Featuring 45 minutes of award-worthy music rich with instrumental solos and an incredible lyrical performance that will capture your heart’s essence and squeeze some cold sense into it. The album is that awakening call for a society that everyone has been afraid of saying outright.

So experience "I’ve Tried Sleeping" and share it with your friends. Perhaps the world will wake up to its disturbing reality, and through this awakening, we will build a better world together.

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